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EFT Cafe – Four Elements Tapping – 11th September 2019

On Wednesday 11th September the ‘Autumn Season’ of the EFT Cafe kicks off with a new process from my good friend and colleague Masha Bennett.

In standard EFT problems are deconstructed into their emotional aspects and
‘tapped out’ to defuse the emotional blocks and distress that hold them in place.

Unfortunately some problems are very hard to deconstruct and process in this way.

Masha Bennett has created ‘Four Elements Tapping’, a new technique that powerfully combines tapping and metaphor to create a change process that is particularly valuable for problems that are hard to define or just plain stuck.

Join Andy Hunt at the EFT Cafe from 7pm to 9pm on Wednesday 11th September 2019 at St Oswald’s Hospice Education Centre in Newcastle upon Tyne to experience this new process. The cost is just £10.

Note: Masha Bennett is coming to the north east to present Trauma Awareness For Holistic Therapists in November 2019. If you are an holistic therapist working with clients who have experienced trauma this training could be invaluable.